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PRINCE2 Examination Format

PRINCE2 Exam Format: What to Expect

Aug 05, 20183 mins readCBT Proxy
PRINCE2 Exam Format: What to Expect

Before applying for the PRINCE2 certification test, you must know about the examination format so that you can easily take the examination and pass it with dignity. We are here to guide those people who are willing to get PRINCE2 certification and looking forward to having a guide about the examination format of PRINCE2.

The following is a compact guide about the PRINCE2 examination format that you must know. With no further delay, let’s have a look!

PRINCE2 examination format:

Before applying for a test, you have to keep in mind that the PRINCE2 examination is taken as a part of your PRINCE2 certified training course that you attended through your PRINCE2 training provider.

This examination can be held online, or you can also attempt the test at a public PRINCE2 examination center near you.

The thing you have to keep in mind is that no matter in which way you attempt the PRINCE2 exams, the exam will be the same in structure and style in both online and in-person attempts.

PRINCE2 foundation exam criteria:

At this examination stage, it is tested that if the person attempting for PRINCE2 certification is capable enough to serve as a competitive member of the project management team of any industry environment that supports PRINCE2 methodologies. In this exam, you have to verify that you have learned the principles of PRINCE2, you know about the terminologies, and you know exactly how to put them all in the real working environment.

Keeping it in bullet points, a candidate must have the following capabilities:

  • Elaborate on the purpose and responsibilities of the significant roles working in the project management.
  • He also must be aware of seven principles of PRINCE2, seven themes, and seven processes that take place in project management.
  • He must be efficient enough to elaborate on the products that we input in the seven processes of PRINCE2 and also tell about the output of these seven processes of the project.
  • The candidate should be able to describe the role and responsibilities of significant management products.
  • He should be competitive enough to demonstrate the relationship between processes, roles, deliverables, and the management measurements of the project.

Actual PRINCE2 foundation exam format:

The examination for PRINCE2 examination has the following sections:

  • 60 questions in total.
  • 33/60 questions should be right in order to pass the exam.
  • You will be given 60 minutes to attempt all the questions, and the exam will be a closed book.

PRINCE2 practitioner exam format:

If you want to sit the PRINCE2 exam format practitioner exam, you have to prepare according to the following format:

  • The paper consists of 68 questions in total.
  • You have to attempt 38/68 questions with correct answers in order to qualify for the exam.
  • 150 minutes is the time duration for the candidate to attempt the exam, and the practitioner’s exam will be an open book exam.

PRINCE2 agile foundation exam format:

  • Total 50 questions will be added to the examination.
  • You have to attempt 28/50 right questions with 55% marks to pass the examination.
  • This exam will be a closed book, and you will be given 60 minutes to pass the exam.

PRINCE2 agile practitioner exam format:

  • 50 questions will be given in the examination.
  • You have to attempt 30/50 right questions to qualify for the exam.
  • This exam will be an open book, and you will be given 150 minutes to attempt your exam.
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