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Frequently Asked Questions - Cisco

Nov 03, 20195 mins readAmit Masih
Frequently Asked Questions - Cisco

Frequently Asked Questions - Cisco

If you are an aspiring Cisco candidate looking for possible information before taking the leap, here in this particular guide, we have gathered a list of questions and answers about Cisco certifications.

What does Cisco stand for?

CISCO's full form is Commercial & Industrial Security Corporation. Cisco is short for “San Francisco” the city in which Stanford computer scientists Leonard Bosack and Sandy Lerner was founded back in 1984.

What is Cisco certification?

Cisco Systems provides the Cisco certifications at four levels including Entry (CCT), Associate (CCNA/CCDA), Professional (CCNP/CCDP), Expert (CCIE/CCDE) and recently Architect (CCAr: CCDE previous) which is now retired. With Cisco, validate your knowledge and skills in routing and switching.

What is Cisco known for?

Cisco is an American-based technology company running worldwide, which is famous for its computer networking products, and Internet of Things (IoT).

What is Cisco sofftware?

Cisco IOS (Internetwork Operating System) is a proprietary operating system that runs on Cisco Systems routers and switches. One of the major features of Cisco software is to enable data communication between network nodes.

Can I get a job with Cisco certification?

Yes, of course. Many employers hire the candidates who have the Cisco certification. However, if you could add some other technical skills with Cisco certification, it would add an extra layer of chance in getting hired.

What is Cisco Networking certification?

Cisco Certified Network Associate is an associate-level certification, which is designed for candidates who can understand the fundamentals of networking, including network access, IP connectivity, security basics, and automation and programmability.

What happens if I do not pass the admission exam?

Generally, Cisco allows you to pass the admission test with two opportunities -with a score of 80% or higher. In case, you don't manage yourself to pass the exam in these two attempts, your Cisco exam project manager will set a meeting with you and assess your qualification and skills for the project.

How long does it take to get Cisco certification?

To get a Cisco certification, you will need to invest about 6 months. All the Cisco entry-level certifications will require two exams.

How long does CCNA certification last?

The certification will be valid for three years after your date of issue. After the expiry date, you will need to appear for recertification in which you must pass the several recertification criteria.

Is Cisco good for freshers?

Yes, since Cisco is an entry-level certification program, you can start your career as a fresher by earning Cisco certification today. If you are passionate about networking and technology services, Cisco is a good-to-go platform for you.

Do Cisco certifications expire?

Yes, Cisco is known for making frequent changes to its certification program. In result, older Cisco certifications expire after three years once they've been earned. The recertification program is also there in which a candidate must satisfy some requirements in order to extend their certification for next three years.

What is CCNA salary?

Well, this totally depends on your experience and technical skills, however in India; the average salary for a Network Engineer is around 294500. How much does CCNA exam cost? To appear in CCNA exam program, you will be asked to pay $300, plus tax. You can also utilize Cisco Learning Credits to buy the exam.

Is CCNA entry-level?

Cisco Certified Network Associate, well-known as Cisco CCNA is a associate-level certification. In simple words, this is an advanced entry-level exam which covers the switching and routing concepts.

What is the highest level of Cisco certification?

Certified Architect is the highest level of Cisco certifications. A Cisco Certified Architect works with C-level line-of-business executives to translate business objectives and needs into effective IT systems.

Which is better CCNA or CCNP?

The CCNP certifications are more senior level certifications than CCNA, covering in-depth workings of networking, security and wireless options. The CCNA certification clicks the wider images and provides broader knowledge of (Internet of Things) IoT and networking systems.

Which Cisco certification is best?

All the Cisco certifications are best in their respective areas. However, there are some well-known and famous Cisco certifications such as DevNet Professional, CCNA Security, CCT Routing and Switching, CCNP Security, and CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure.

Can I take CCNA exam at home?

When it comes to taking CCNA exams at home, there are self-administered online exams (non-proctored) which you can take sitting on your favorite couch, or anywhere in the world with a fine internet connection. Cisco exams that begin with a 700 exam code are self-administered.

What are the levels of Cisco Certification?

There is four level of Cisco certifications including entry, associate, professional and expert.

Is Cisco a big company?

No doubt. Cisco Systems (CSCO) is one of the world's leading and prominent information technology and networking companies. Cisco is the largest company in the networking and communications devices industry.

Is Cisco better than Google?

This is a fairly challenging question as each company has its own set of certifications and criteria to pass. Therefore, it is not a professional thing to compare these two giants in a good or bad way. There are number of articles out there where you can learn about working process, culture or salary system about the both companies.

Want to Pass CICSO Certification?

CBT Proxy is a well-versed proxy examination center, providing almost hundreds of IT certifications such as AWS, CISCO, CISA, Azure, CompTIA, GCP, and any more.

We work with a pay-after-pass method, and give you a 100% guarantee to provide you with your desired certification in just one attempt. If you are looking for a proxy center, contact us and let us know how we can help you get your certification.

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