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Preparation Guide for AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional Exam

AWS Solutions Architect Pro: Ultimate Preparation Guide

Jul 15, 20183 mins readCBT Proxy
AWS Solutions Architect Pro: Ultimate Preparation Guide

This is a detailed guide for AWS certified solutions architect professional exam has been created in order to guide the individuals throughout their AWS professional exam preparation.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Exam Preparation

It should be noted that if the objectives of the exam have been changed, then it does means that the study material or resources must also have been changed. So it is very important to focus on the objectives of the exam, and for this purpose, you will need to have chosen right and proper preparation resources or study materials.

Here we are moving towards an appropriate guideline on how to get prepared for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam.

Go Through the Exam Study Guide

If you are planning to take up the AWS professional exam, then you have to first go through the comprehensive guide of AWS CSAP that is available on the official website of the AWS certification page. This exam guide gives you all the necessary information regarding taking up the exam like topics covered in each domain, blueprint, questions format, basic exam information, exam preparation tips, and scoring pattern etc. Having proper knowledge about all the exam study guide will help you a lot in preparation for giving the exam in the best way.

Join Recommended AWS Training

AWS offers a proper course training for the preparation of the exams for many domains. This training takes your few hours for a few days and gives you the best and advanced information on all the relevant domains that are being covered in your exam.

Here are few of the recommended AWS training by AWS itself for those individuals that are preparing for the AWS certified solutions architect upcoming professional exam.

  • Advanced Architecting on AWS
  • AWS Well-Architected Training
  • AWS Security Fundamentals
  • AWS Certification Exam Readiness Workshops
  • Migrating to AWS
  • EC2 Systems Manager
  • Migrating as well as tiering Storage to the AWS – it is a Preview Course
  • Deep Dive into the Elastic File System (EFS) – it is a Preview Course
  • Deep Dive into the Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) – it is a Preview Course

Prepare with Some Good Books and Practice Tests

Even though you are preparing from the best online study materials, books have had their own significance in the preparation of the AWS professional exam. So it is needed to find such books that cover all the objectives and domains that are relevant to your exam, and thus they could be an important source in your exam preparation.

You must also have to attempt some practice tests once you think that your area is done with all the preparation from all the relevant resources. Attempting practice tests will help you in evaluating your preparation level as well as the readiness for the AWS exam.

Join AWS Discussion Forums, Groups, and Communities

To participate or join the discussion of different relevant groups, forums, and communities are one of the best ways to gain something from others and sharing your own knowledge with others.

Through such groups and forums, you will get a chance to get in contact with the certified professionals and the experts of this field. And you will also be able to submit your queries there and get them resolved by AWS already certified professionals or experts.

I hope this preparation guide will be helpful to you in your AWS CSAP exam preparation.

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