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CompTIA Security+ Exam: quanto tempo per studiare e prepararsi

Nov 19, 20173 mins leggereCBT Proxy
CompTIA Security+ Exam: quanto tempo per studiare e prepararsi

CompTIA security exams are not as simple and easy as it seems to be. If it would be that easy, then every other person will have this certification, and it would be of worth and meaningless. This certification is meant to be valuable, and having it demonstrates an achievement that you have gone much beyond.

This certification makes you stand out among all. Everyone has their own pace and ways of learning. Generally, most of the candidates take up the CompTIA security study or 40 to 45 days.

Let’s have a detailed discussion on how long to study for the Security+ exam.

Training Classes

The most effective and comprehensive way to prepare for security+ certification is to get yourself enrolled in a training program. There is generally a small cost is associated with the training certification class, but this primary training goal is to qualify for this exam in the first attempt absolutely. In this training, you will be able to expose yourself to all the material course that will be on the real exam test.

The questions given in the practice exam test will be given in the same pattern and way which will be later presented to them in the real-life exam. Since the security+ exam keeps on changing according to the changing technology, so the practice training tests must also be current. Few of the online study or practice materials on the internet are outdated.

Free Study Materials

As mentioned earlier, there is a number of free online practice exams and study materials. Just ensure that they are current by checking the published date and time. One of the best ways of identifying your weak points is to test yourself every now and then. Reviewing all the material again and again and then solve every available practice exams. It will point out the areas where your more concentration is required.

Study Guides

Study guides and books are easily available online. They are generally quite useful, and they consist of more than just knowing that will be tested in your exam. They come up with different strategies for explaining questions and also includes some sample practice exams. Some of them give you access to their online libraries that are being updated every now and then and also expanding the amount of study material that you will be able to access once the book has been issued to you.

Devise a Plan

Set up your goal regarding take up the exam within a certain period of time. 40 to 45 days are quite enough and a reasonable time period if you are planning to get familiar with the curriculum of the exam.

But if an individual with zero prior experience in IT, then 50 to 60 days will be more appropriate for him. The exam content is segregated into different domains. Try to maser every domain according to their percentage in the exam and then divided them into a reasonable timeframe to be studied. Test yourself frequently in order to absorb the study material well.

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