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PRINCE2 vs PMP: Which Certification is Best for You?

Aug 26, 20183 mins readCBT Proxy
PRINCE2 vs PMP: Which Certification is Best for You?

Suppose you are planning to excel in project management and want you to get more profitable jobs in this field in the future. In that case, you must have a certification for you. There are many benefits to having project management skills.

The certificate can make you more credible and reliable for the companies that want to hire you. In this way, these certifications will pave the way for success for you.

When we talk about certifications, we mostly have two certificates in mind. The one is PRINCE2, and the other is PMP. The question here is which certification is the best to choose and which will prove to be more profitable in terms of career.

We are here to provide you detailed information about both certificates and guide you about which one is the best for you and why. With no further delay, let’s have a look!

How choose one over the other?

The most significant difference between both certifications is the framework of project management. Although both certificates have the same aim of project management, both offer you the same knowledge body and tested management approach, but both frameworks are different.

You have to keep in mind while choosing one over the other because this decision depends on the company or industry you are planning to join or the type of projects you are looking forward to managing in the future. When you apply for a firm or industry, you have to make sure what kind of projects will be given to you under their project management.

After knowing about that, you have to keep your eyes on different factors of both certifications, analyze them, compare them, and then decide the one that is the best for you. When you follow the strategic planning of choosing PMP or PRINCE2, you are then more likely to select the best suitable one for you! You have to keep in mind that both certifications are equally fantastic.

Both have their values in different fields, so we can’t designate one over the other. The discrimination can be done only on the basis of the company, industry, or area that you are going to work with.

Region-wise preferences of the project management certificates:

Before you select one ISC certification online for you, you have to research the region in which you are getting certification. You have to check the probability of both certificates to improve your chances of employment.

There are certain regions in the world where PRINCE2 is preferred as compared to PMP, so you have to check before leaning down toward one option. Make sure that the certification that you want to apply for is preferred in your region.

For example, in a broader sense, PMP is mostly preferred in Canada, the Middle East, the USA, and Australia, while PRINCE2 is primarily preferred in the UK, Europe, and Australia also. So, first of all, check the region’s preference in your area and then choose the one that is more preferred in your region!

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