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Renewal Requirements for CISA Certification

CISA Certification Renewal: What You Need to Know

Sep 24, 20173 mins readCBT Proxy
CISA Certification Renewal: What You Need to Know

So, you have stepped into a bright future with this CISA certification. It is great because this certification is globally admired and the majority of the people prefer passing the exams. CISA certifies this course and its exams are held everyday.

If you have taken this certification successfully, then you are going to enjoy several wonderful opportunities. Most of the employers around the globe prefer to hire CISA certified professionals.

So, you are welcomed in all areas of the world and there is not much competition for you. Every industry needs IS/IT auditors and experts who can work in these five domains.

The renewal of this certification is highly important for you because you need it to face the competition in the job recruitment industry. With this certification, you have secured your future and you will be able to earn a handsome amount. This is the right way to get a job in the field that you want to enter because every industry needs these certified professionals.

How to renew your CISA Certification?

To renew the CISA certification, you need to complete the following formalities.

  • You need 20 CPEs annually, for this purpose, you need to get it and report.
  • For your three year cycle, you need to get and report 120 CPEs.
  • You will be charged annual maintenance charges or fees, it will be different and can be changed.

If you want to renew your CISA certification for the next year then, you need to complete all these formalities by the 1st of January.

What is CPE?

It stands for continuing professional education. For the maintenance of your CISA certification, you need to earn and report one hundred and twenty hours of CPE every three years reporting cycle. You need to do it every year. Every year, these requirements must be met. A candidate cannot skip a year. For the newly certified professionals, this requirement starts the calendar year after getting the certification.

Payment of Fee

All the candidates have to maintain the annual fee to maintain CISA. This payment has to be done by the 1st January. If you want to renew your CISA through the upcoming calendar year, you have to pay this fee. You can get detail of the fee for the current year on the official website, or you will get a notification via email.


In the technology-driven world of today, employers seek practitioners with proven experience and knowledge to effectively implement the technology. Now, CISA certification is your need, so you need to maintain it because this certification is required in all industries in the world.

In this age, when competition about jobs is at a peak, and the recruitment industry has increased its requirement regarding professionalism, then this certification offers a guaranteed bright future.

You will prove your skills required to do IT jobs effectively and increases your value as both potential candidates and employees.

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